Welcome to the multi-media website for Eric Zaccar's social satire for the stage, Starr's on Broadway! When our play was first written and presented, in 1999, during the final moments of the Kenneth Starr witch hunts, one of many political points it brought home is summed up in the two minutes of dialogue below, between Carl Kissin as Richard Nixon's Ghost and Tom Shillue as Ken Starr.
Twenty three years have passed, countless billions of additional taxpayer dollars have been spent on bogus investigations of Hillary and Bill Clinton and they've yet to find anything but unsubstantiated, often ludicrous innuendo. The Republican party has devolved from Henry Hyde to George W. Bush to Sarah Palin to Donald Trump to Lauren Boebert. Every time we think the bar can't be set any lower---- If I wanted to finish that sentence, I'd have to be updating this page on a daily/hourly basis. This month's installment is, we're at the point where liberals are exalting Dick Cheney's daughter and celebrating the fact that Mike Pence wasn't hung. Of course, the good news is, Starr's on Broadway still is and seems like it will eternally be a topical piece of work that needs to be seen. Please E-Mail us at info@starrplay.com for more information and to find out how you can get involved. |
![]() You can click anywhere in this paragraph to read our entire play in pdf form or to listen to scene by scene audio, hilariously performed by the seasoned and brilliant actors from our 1999 production.
Test your knowledge and alter your political perspective by taking our official STARR'S ON BROADWAY HISTORY QUIZ. |
The way to tell people the truth is to make them laugh and Starr's on Broadway will keep you laughing while inspiring you to seriously examine numerous topical and political issues. It's an easy play to produce, with a single simple set. The three actors will each play multiple, comically outrageous roles in a series of short, socially significant, satiric scenarios and monologues. Name talent was involved with our 1999 theatrical and video productions, and our General Manager from the time has gone on to win a Tony Award for his role as lead producer of an original and innovative Broadway show. Other well known actors have shown interest and will likely come on board when a future production is firmly planned. The play is also a natural publicity magnet. As you can see on our Press page, our earlier limited productions were written up in most major newspapers in New York and were discussed on major market radio. The play has since been referenced in numerous internet articles and in at least one internationally published book about Kenneth Starr. Please click on the links below and explore our press blurbs, video previews, audio clips, cast & character photos, biographies and additional pictures from our 1999 productions. You can test your knowledge and alter your political perspective by taking our official STARR'S ON BROADWAY HISTORY QUIZ, arguably the most informative, enlightening and hilarious multiple choice contest anywhere on the internet.
Click Here for Kenneth Starr's Biography!
Among many official Starr-Sources that cite Eric Zaccar & our play!
And Who is Playwright Eric Zaccar?
Click Here for Eric's Biographical Website
Click above to find out hour our play helped to define him!
The Press Biographies Audio Clips Pseudo Audio What's it all About? Starrdi's Wall
History Quiz Read & Listen to the Play
I think we're honorably noted here, too!
Website designed by Sophia Ziburtovicz and Eric Zaccar
Copyright 1999-2022 by Design Catcher Productions LLC